Avatar IMAX 3D Micro-Review

So I've seen Avatar in 3D at the ScotiaBank Cinema in downtown Montreal (formerly Paramount). If you've seen the 3D shows at the Universal Studios theme park (Terminator 3D comes to mind) in Orlando, Florida then you know what to expect 3D-wise...It's quite similar, but much more polished in Avatar.

It's a solid movie (but it didn't blow me away), and the 3D does keep things extra interesting when you watch it. I had less than ideal seats maybe 4 rows from the bottom (but that was somewhat expected since the show was sold out in advance). But even then the 3D was mostly fine. I'd like to sit in a more central position the next time I watch a 3D movie.

Update: I read somewhere that you should focus on where the camera focuses on and follow the action...Since some people may feel sick when watching this in 3D. But I have no idea if this is true or not.

What my ratings mean...

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