Salon Passion Chocolat & de la Gourmandise

It's a relatively new and small festival (can go through the whole showcase floor in about an hour), but it gives you something different to do. It's pretty much a series of glass booths (like you would see at a chocolate store) where you can buy chocolate. That's it. You have to be ready to sample (i.e. buy) chocolate or else you're wasting your time.

Only two booths gave out free chocolate samples (for almost all the others, you needed to buy $1 coupons for a taste) so these booths are where most people gathered. The other noteworthy thing to see were the "chocolate art" on display. The first place winner was particularly impressive, really outclassing (in my mind) all the others. It was also a good chance to test out my cell phone/camera...

A guy making some chocolate art...

This one really had the "Wow" factor...First place too...

The "art gallery"...

Another angle..

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