NHL 09 - I Got The Call!

In my last post I was playing for the Hamilton Bulldogs. Then I got the good news— called up to play for the Habs! It was a little funny to see this in the transactions section:

MTL calls up Ryan Hum from Hamilton Bulldogs
MTL sends down Guillaume Latendresse to Hamilton Bulldogs

Playing on the third line, my teammates were not the most skilled (Laraque and Begin). But now that I am playing on the second scoring line (Kostitsyn brothers) you see a big difference in the skill level of the players. The passes are on your stick and they find you (instead of you calling for the passes everytime).

They are calling this the best hockey game ever made, and while not perfect it could be true. This "Be a Pro" section is addictive (I am a high scoring sniper now)...I'll have to play as a defencemen or goalie next time...

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